Laser Green
Laser Blue
Laser Chemical
ยป Auto
Developer :
1. Lasertech 1137 Developer
This is formulated in such a way that it gives excellent results even at high temperature.
The important features are :
- Recommmended temperature 34C to 40C.
- Replenishment rate 400ml / per
- Excellent Contrast.
- Lowest base fog density.
- Longer life.
- Economical to high output of films per day in radiological departments.
2. Uni Image 1138 Developer Replenisher
This is a conventional premium developer for developing fims from temperature 32C to 38C. The standard results can be easily obtained on various parameters of exposure, temperature, or processing time.It is suitable for all tpes of processors.
The important features are :
- Recommended temperature 32C to 38C.
- Recommended replenishment rate 400 ml./per sq mtr.
- Excellent base clarity / Lowest base fog.
- Ecellent details of radiograph.
- Excellent contrast.
3. Lasertech 1199 Developer
This is a unique single pat,stable cost effective developer formulated for machine processing.Tank solution is stable and will give consistent results for extended period of time.Suitable for wide variety of X-Ray films and its emulsions.
The important features are :
- Recommended temperature 35C.
- Replenishment rate 500ml per
- Suitable for low output clinics.
- Excellent contrast.
- Excellent base clarity (low base fog).
Fixer :
1. Lasetech 1334 Fixer
This a rapid fixer for Automatic machine processing of X-Ray films.
The important features are :
- Recommended temperature 32C to 40C.
- Recommended replenishment rate 600 ml per sq mtr.
- Excellent base clarity.
- Exceptionally long working life.
- Excellent buffering against developer and fixer will increase fixer activity for longer duration.
- All usual methods of silver recovery are applicable.
1. Lasertech Developer (Powder)
This is a premium quality, long working life,low oxidation powder developer.
The important features are :
- High Contrast.
- High speed with log fog.
- Gives more brilliant radiograph.
- Recommended low development temperature (28C) this may be adjusted by reducing development time.
- Available in all standard packing.
2. Lasetech Premium Fixer (Powder)
This is a quality fixer powder.It has got excellent buffering against developer carry over.It is specially designed to give hardness to emulsion against handling of x-ray films.
The important features are :
- Excellent base clarity.
- High speed fixing.
- Hardner incorporated.
- Available in all standard packing.
1. Lasertech Developer (Liquid Concentrate)
This is a premium quality developer for manual processing of x-ray films suitable for all brands of films and emulsions.
The important features are :
- Recommended dilution 1 : 3.5
- Rapid developer with high contrast.
- Liquid concentrate allowing convenient and quick preparation.
- Available in all standard packing.
2. Lasertech premium quality fixer (Liquid)
This is a fixer with sperate hardner concentrate having long working life for manual processing of x-ray films.
The important features are :
- Easy to use liquid concentrate.
- High speed fixing.
- Recommended dilution 1 : 3.5 inclusive of separate hardner.
- Lowest fixing time with excellent base clarity.
- Available in all standard packing.